Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Displacing the Orphaned Spirit

     God seems to impart "revelation" to the heart at just the right time for each of us.  He has recently been imparting yet another level of revelation to me relate to the healing of the "orphaned Spirit" in my own life.  The "heart or spirit" of a man is the central place of government in a persons life.  It seems to me that one of the great strategies of the enemy is to keep this place of government locked up in the inability to trust, the fear of rejection and fear of real intimacy.
     The late Jack Frost has written a book by the title, "Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship."  In this book he describes a very powerful twelve step part cycle through which the orphan spirit progresses toward developing a Stronghold of Oppression.  This has been very insightful, revealing and instructive to me personally.  For in this cycle, I see myself and God's loving favor reaching down to pull me up and out of the quicksand of the orphan spirit.
     Twelve steps to developing a stronghold of Oppression:

  • 1.  We begin to focus on the faults we see in parental authority.  Of course there are no perfect parents.  In fact, parents don't mean to be inconsistent, they just pass on their wounds from their own disappointments, broken promises and inconsistencies of their parents.
  •  2.  We lose basic trust in parental authority.  Once disappointed, rejected or wounded by a parent, we begin to close off a part of our heart/spirit from being hurt again.  This closes us off from receiving any warmth, affection or comfort that is actually there.
  • 3.  We lose basic trust in parental authority.  The loss of basic trust keeps us from holding our heart open to another person.  Basic trust is the ability to risk being real and vulnerable, to keep our heart open even when it hurts rather than close off our spirit.
  • 4.  We move into fear of receiving love, comfort, and admonition from others.  We become fearful of becoming vulnerable.  Then we begin to take care of everything ourselves because we don't trust anyone else or believe there will be someone to comfort us.  Orphans always feel alone even in a crowd or during a time of crisis.  
  • 5.  We develop a closed spirit.   Once we close off our heart to receiving love, we close our hearts to every form of intimacy.  We retreat into a closed spirit, isolating our heart from the outside influences.
  • 6.  We take on an independent, self-reliant attitude.  Everything then falls to me to do what must be done.  I have to do everything myself!  Our insecurities and fears have shut our heart off from any meaningful relationship with others.  We become independent and self-reliant all the time.
  • 7.  We start controlling our relationships.  Independent and isolated we begin to control everything and everybody around us, or withdraw into passivity.  The fear of trusting, the fear of rejection and the fear of intimacy prevent us from  becoming genuinely responsive to others.  All of our relationships begin to suffer.
  • 8.  Our relationships become superficial.  We keep people at an "arms distance" emotionally.  We rarely realize that we are doing the very things we fear they will do to us: rejection.
  • 9.  We develop an ungodly belief that says no one will be there to meet our need.  This is a major symptom of the orphan spirit.  The closed off heart/spirit begins to dominate all relationships.
  • 10.  We begin to live life like a spiritual orphan.  The spiritual orphan feels like they do not have a safe and secure place in father's heart where they feel loved, valued and affirmed.  We have no safe harbor, no refuge, no place of rest.  Our identity then become developed around what I do or what I have.
  • 11.  We begin chasing after counterfeit affections.  Having shut off my heart from genuine affection through loved ones, we begin looking for counterfeit affections or substitutes.  we were created for love, for family and for genuine intimacy with the we begin looking for the counterfeits.  Addictions begin to surface in order to cover the pain of separation and isolation.  Here are seven (7) counterfeits:  PASSION, POSSESSIONS, POSITION, PERFORMANCE, PEOPLE, PLACES, POWER.  Each of their counterfeits can be used to cover our pain of isolation and orphan spirit.
  • 12.  We begin to daily battle a stronghold of oppression.  Having isolated ourselves from cultivating healthy relationships, we become trapped in a cycle of seeking fulfillment in things that can never satisfy.  Life becomes an oppressive mix of tension, agitation, anger, bitterness, restlessness and frustration that can eventually lead to deeper oppression and depression.

     Now having looked at the cycle degenerating into oppression from the orphaned heart or spirit.  Please remember that God is passionately displacing this spirit by pouring our his unconditional love.  We need to personally receive the revelation of the father's love to displace this void in our life.

Malachi 4:5-5 the very last verses in the Old Testament state:
          "See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.
          He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their   
          fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse."

The curse was reversed in the person of Jesus, the one proclaimed by John the Baptist.  Right now, the Father is pouring out an anointing to raise up sons and daughters who have received this revelation of the Father's Love and share it with the people they meet.

Jesus sain in John 14:18, "I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.!"

May be begin to trust and press into this amazing transformational love of the Father!


  1. I believe that all that is needed is for people to understand that they are living in unity with Jesus, and that they have everything they need in their spirits, which are perfect, complete, and holy because God is there and He is one with their spirits. The churches that I have gone to in the past have taught the opposite. Most Christians are living from their souls and have no understanding of the reality of their union with Christ. When I realized that I wasn't walking WITH God but was one spirit with him, everything changed. Everything!

  2. Similar to the Prodigal, our greatest and most vital challenge is to remind ourselves constantly of our identity. Claiming the truth of our sonship, belovedness, and true identity in Christ, while living in a world system that is designed to relentlessly pull us in the opposite direction is our daily battle. Thankfully, this is not a battle that we fight in our own strength. The Father is speaking this truth to us at all times if we will just listen and believe His report!

  3. Hi, I just read “From Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship” by Jack Frost. What a powerful revelation contained in that book – that almost all of us have an orphan spirit and disconnected with our heavenly Father. After reading the book, I want to make available a list of other books, CD’s DVD’s that cover the same basic message, ophan spirit, abandonment, estrangement, alienation, etc. I review Christian material. We also have an online resource center so we purchase certain books, Bibles etc for resale.

    I am emailing you because your name or ministry is connected with the above topic through a google search or because someone recommended your material or website.

    Please send me any resources you might be interested in being reviewed. Also list any material you have found helpful on this subject, especially free on line material.

    Also, perhaps you could address a question someone posed to me after I shared with them the thoughts from the book I just read. According to Jack Frost, the barrier between God as Father and the orphan spirit is trust. When that barrier is broken, fellowship is restored. Question: Is it possible for any human being to actually establish that trust under a doctrine in which much of humanity is either eternally separated from the Father either because that’s the way he planned it (Calvinism) or because He was just unable to bridge the gap with most of mankind because of their rebellious nature, or Satan’s power or lack of power and wisdom on the Father’s part (Arminianism). In other words, can people REALLY develop true trust in a Father that can’t seem to bring the whole family back together again? If he loses one, or a million, or a billion or perhaps 99 percent of mankind to eternal separation in a place called Hell, can a child of God really abandon themselves to such a Father, a Father that somehow seems to fall short? Can they truly come to pure trust? I would appreciate your answer. Thank you.

    Here’s the address to which to send review materials. Thank you, Gary Amirault

    Tentmaker Ministries and Publications, Inc.
    Attn: Gary Amirault
    118 Walnut St.
    Hermann, MO 65041
